Wednesday 11 March 2009

What can I do to attract Wealth?

If you are wondering what you can do to help yourself in this current financial predicament we find ourselves in, then I have a few suggestions for you. And, a few top tips on attracting Wealth energy too...

My first suggestion is to take a long hard look at how you are reacting to current situations. Are you constantly stressing over money/career/family, and then stressing out because you have been worrying and are now worn out? What does this achieve? Nothing! of course.
Correct action to support yourself is paramount, only then will you be able to keep your head above water, and be able to help others too. Radical change may be called for, but in a way, radical change is what may happen anyway if you do not take action!

The second suggestion is to observe your surroundings and take in 'how' you are living. Are you comfortable, maintaining your living space to help you feel good? or are you jumbled in the head and in the house too?
Feng Shui principles indicate that the home reflects the Mind and the Mind is reflected in the home. Using this simple principle we can begin in small and steady steps towards maintaining our immediate environment and also the quality of our inner dialogue and Peace of Mind.

Lastly, the most important thing is Change! If it isn't working out well now, then shake up the energy grid surrounding you. This may take the form of clearing out and cleaning like a mad thing, or just moving your things about to gently manipulate the colour schemes and focal points of your spaces. These subtle, or radical, changes influence the energy that you move through, sleep in and ultimately interact with on a daily basis, and it will affect your life by changing those layers of energy. But how do you know if you've got it right? Well, you'll feel it if it is right, and you will also know if you need to do more. There will come a point when you sit down and find yourself 'soaking up' the atmosphere, and it is then that you know you've got 'it' right.

Three Top Holistic Feng Shui Tips for Stimulating Wealth Energy

1. Place a symbolic representation of Wealth energy in plain view in the Southeast of your home. A poster sized picture of the Wealth Ingots, a pyramid of coins, a wad of cash, an expensive mansion, a few diamonds, or just one huge one! This is the Wealth and Growth sector and stimulating it with something that instantly brings you 'wealthy' vibes instils this area with high quality energy. It is also the Annual Wealth Sector for 2009! so spruce it up a little and invite in some high quality Chi!

2. Place a Jade Plant in the SE area, or some 'lucky bamboo' (Dracaena) to not only boost the 'growth' vibration, but also help to absorb any EMF(Electro-mangnetic frequencies) from the area, which is low level Chi flow. You may also want to put a Salt Lamp in the SE to do the same job, or you can use Lepidolite Mica Form, Black Tourmaline or Smokey Quartz to help reduce/absorb or transmute EMF energy.

3. Put another easy representation of wealth into your wallet to keep the Chi level high in there too, and therefore attract more high quality Chi. An affirmation as simple as 'Money flows Abundantly into my Life in Perfect Ways' is easy to do. Write it on a business card (preferably yours) and keep it in the notes area of your wallet. You may also choose to use pictures like the Queen of Pentacles Tarot, or the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card, both of which indicate calm wealth strength. Perhaps a Golden Buddah holding an ingot, or Ganesha to remove obstacles. Ultimately the symbol of wealth needs to resonate truthfully with you, so get specific with what pushes your buttons.

Would you like to know more about how Feng Shui theories can improve Health, Wealth and Harmony? Please contact me for either a personal Holistic Feng Shui Assessment of your property, or to begin an easy paced study schedule of Feng Shui theory for beginners, all the way through to Practitioner level. You may never choose to use this knowledge in a career, but it will inevitably promote success in all your endeavours, and you can give this help to friends and family too.

With Infinite Blessings
Thankyou for reading this article :)
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  1. Great posting. The first thing you mentioned is key. We react all day long without even thinking twice. If we can slow ourselves down enough, we can really think deeply about our lives and what we are really feeling. I love the Queen of Pentacles image. I read tarot :)

  2. Thanks l i b :)
    Tarot is a growing interest of mine for some time now. Just got to fit it in with FlyingStars consults and running the business per se. :)


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